Finally watched The Passion

and honestly, I was not particularly impressed. I saw a LOT of things that were not Biblically accurate, and several things that were exaggerated for movie value.

I definitely think the Book is better.

In some ways, the movie expands on one’s knowledge of the customs of the day, but in others, it doesn’t go far enough.

Some examples of discrepancies that I noticed:

  1. In the garden, they have Jesus asking God to defend him, and the disciples saying that Jesus looked afraid. In the Bible, Matthew says, he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy – nothing about FEAR, only SORROW. and He prayed only that if possible let the cup pass, yet “not My will, but Thine be done.” Nothing about defense.
  2. When the soldiers came to get him, John states as soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground. The movie left that part out.
  3. I never heard a rooster crow in the movie.
  4. The whole demon thing with the little ‘demons’ following Judas is a total fabrication. The Bible never once mentions demons chasing Judas.
  5. The Bible does not say that the two Marys cleaned up the scourging area, as the movie had them do.

I’m noticing, as I go through the story to compare, that some of the things I heard preached as a child are also not in the gospel accounts of the crucifixion. I was taught that His beard was pulled out, but I cannot find a reference in the gospel accounts that says that. I was taught that He was not recognizable as a man, but I am unable to find that, as well. These are prophetic, but not mentioned in the accounts.

Overall, I wouldn’t necessarily say watching it was a waste of time, but at the same time, I cannot say that I am impressed with the accuracy of the movie, either. I think the imagery I carry in my mind from descriptions I heard as I was growing up are much more vivid than the movie could ever be.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being “horrible” and 10 being “beyond excellent”, I would give it about a 6.

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